Scattering Mum’s ashes

“If it helps others who have lost someone close, here is a story about scattering our mother’s ashes which we hope will bring a smile.

When our mother died last year, it was her wish to have her ashes scattered in the same place as my dad’s ashes were scattered, several years earlier. After a prolonged stay in our homes while we tried to pinpoint the exact location, the ashes were duly transported on their final outing and the family assembled.

It was only then that we discovered that there should have been a formal request! It was a long journey for us all from various different directions and we decided to risk whatever penalty might befall us – Mum was here to stay this time – but what to do? What would Mum want us to do? She was a bit of a rebel and was always ready for some fun, so…

We dispensed with formality and placed the ashes container in a carrier bag – the ‘poshest’ one we had between us – with the corner torn off. We then strolled nonchalantly around the area, taking turns to swing the bag, dispersing the ashes as best we could. The spectacle was quite absurd and we all had a fit of giggles, knowing that Mum would have enjoyed sharing the occasion with us.

What could have been a sad time instead brought tears of laughter.
Rest in Peace Mum.”


(We thank the Edwards family for sharing their experience with us)


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