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The Teardrop Urns are so Beautiful

When browsing your website, I fell in love with the beautiful gold and silver teardrop urns and decided immediately that they were perfect for mum’s and dad’s ashes. My parents married during World War 2 and were together for over

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Family Pets, Resting in Peace

For many people, a pet is part of the family. Indeed, for some, an adopted pet may be the only live-in family member they have. The fact is that many people would like to treat their animals with the same

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Under the Rhododendron

When our first dog, Muldoon, was unwell, we took him to the local vet who diagnosed him with cancer and operated almost immediately. As they took him away for the op, I didn’t realise that I’d never see him again

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Hearts and Flowers

After nearly 40 years of marriage, my husband died suddenly of a heart attack and was cremated. I want to keep a small amount of my dear husband’s ashes near me at all times so my daughter is buying me

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Lovely keepsakes

Dear Sir, Our children were devastated when our 16-year-old Westie passed away last month and they insisted on holding a proper funeral and burial service in the garden. On a practical note, however, I didn’t want the possibility of animals

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I was looking through your website at your lovely urns and keepsakes and read some of the stories people had submitted to your blog. It is so therapeutic to tell one’s story and shared grief often helps others so I

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My Mum & Dad

“Mum and Dad had been together for over 50 years. Dad’s death was sudden. A shock to us all but, we reasoned, probably better for him than a long, painful illness. Who knows. Mum seemed to age 10 years overnight

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Sometimes, life sucks

The Best and Worst Funeral.  Strangely, the best and worst cremation service I attended was the same one. It was the best because it was very personal to the person who died, with no formalities or religion clouding our thoughts.

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My Grandpa’s Sense Of Humour

“When my father was dying from cancer, we didn’t want to waste precious time discussing funeral arrangements with him but it had to be done. He remembered an old ’78′ record that belonged to his father, my grandpa, that was

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My Type Of Funeral

“This year, I’ve been to four funerals and a wedding. The wedding was a wonderful contrast to the sad family gatherings which preceded it. First, my aunt then my mum (they were sisters and very close) followed by a cousin

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March 2025
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